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Eggplant Protocol:  Eggplant contains scopoletin, an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory compound which exerts a general calming effect on the nerves that control the smooth muscle tone of the arterial wall.  When eggplant is eaten with food high in cholesterol it binds to the cholesterol in the intestinal tract and blunts its absorption into the circulation.  To prepare this natural product for use, cut a medium sized unpeeled eggplant into half inch cubes and place the cubes into a wide mouth one gallon glass jar.  Fill the jar with spring water (not tap or distilled water).  Store the preparation in your refrigerator for four days.  On the fifth day start drinking one liquid ounce of the preparation every day.  Always keep the jar of liquid in the refrigerator.  After a few days the eggplant will swell and should be removed from the liquid.  Continue drinking one ounce of the liquid, checking your blood pressure every day.  Patience is required; it may take one to two weeks to see an effect (this approach came from Dr. David William’s newsletter and Experimental Pathelogie 75; 10(3,4):167-179).


Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVVO):  A key component of the Mediterranean Diet, EVVO provides powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.  Supplementation with 30-50 cc/day of EVVO had been shown to lower C- Reactive Protein and the inflammatory cytokine Il-6, blunt LDL oxidation, decrease blood pressure, and decrease one’s need for BP medications.  Standard Olive Oil will not provide this effect; it must be Extra Virgin.  Do not fry or cook with the oil; rather use it in cold cooking such as in salads, vegetable dishes, or as a butter substitute (Arch Intern Med. 2000;160:837-842, Eur J Clin Nutr. 2008 Apr;62(4):570-4, and Atherosclerosis. 2005 Jul;181(1):149-58).

Peanut and Vinegar Protocol:  Obtain Red Skin Spanish Peanuts, uncooked, salt-free, with the skins still on.  Soak the Peanuts in brown rice vinegar, in a glass jar, for 5-7 days.  Each day take in 5-10 small or 5 large peanuts. 

All three of these approaches may be used.  They are risk free (assuming that you do not have an allergy to one of these foods), and cost is minimal.  Do monitor your BP readings, as we may need to decrease your medication doses.  Limiting salt intake, avoiding high gluten and other inflammatory foods, adequate water intake, and regular exercise can only help here.