The possibility of MME interests us, its mechanism of action stimulates us, and its potential applications fills us with hope, but what you are really interested in is the results of MME treatment. Will it work? Will it work for me? Will it help me enough to rationalize the time and resources that I must spend to obtains MME? These are the questions that we are trying to answer with our ongoing research in clinical MME. We don't have all the answers now, and when we answer the first round of questions, you'll be asking new ones and we'll begin work to answer them. In the meantime, you and I will have to answer these questions to the best of our ability, utilizing the science available, and the MME treatment results obtained at our MME facility, and at the other MME centers located in the US and Canada. It is important that we share these outcomes with each other, and with you. Thus we are going to present our outcomes, including all of our first two year Cardiovascular outcomes, for your review.